4 Popular Examples of NFTs & Collections On Cardano

If you’re thinking of creating your own NFT collection, taking inspiration from examples of NFTs from other projects' successes can help give you that extra bit of motivation to get your own thing going!

In this article, we share insights into 4 record-selling collections and NFTs on the Cardano blockchain that have helped shape the CNFT industry and showcase the potential of Cardano for creators in the NFT space.

Examples of NFTs and Popular Collections on Cardano

1. SpaceBudz

SpaceBud #9936

is a collection of 10,000 generative art designs with unique characters and animals that each have distinct features.

SpaceBud #9936 was the very first CNFT — a term used to describe an NFT that has been created on Cardano — to sell for 510,000ADA (around $1.1 million in equivalent value at the time in October 2021). 

There’s not much known about the collection, but it looks like there is a story being built around the world where the art collection is set in. This sets the stage for potential sales in the future as the world and characters become more developed.

The collection was among the first NFTs minted on the Cardano blockchain by its creators, Alessandro and Zieg, after the activation of the Mary hard fork. 

Examples of NFTs: SpaceBudz

What's also impressive is that Alessandro is the SPO (stake pool operator) of Berry Pool and the creator of Nami Wallet. These protocols are some of the most popular in the Cardano ecosystem.

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When it comes to pioneers, CardanoKidz is up there with some of the other heavyweights. 

This collection (already in its 8th season) celebrates the heroes of Cardano and its diverse community and as the first NFTs to arrive on the Cardano mainnet, they have a permanent place in the blockchain's history. 

The collection was the first NFT release on CNFT.IO, one of Cardano's most popular NFT marketplaces.

Examples of NFTs CardanoKidz

The art of the collection was inspired by the hugely popular Garbage Pail Kids, a series of trading cards from the 80s. With the floor price currently sitting at 5500ADA, as Cardano develops and time moves forward, this CNFT collection will likely become a legacy in of itself.



Knitties are 10000 fun-loving “knitted” characters that are aiming to bring social gaming experiences to collectors powered by NFTs. 

The game was created by Andrew King who is a creative technical artist and tool developer with decades of experience.

This CNFT project is looking to incorporate AR technology to bring the game experiences to life. They are currently in development and it will be interesting to see how they utilize Cardano's blockchain to create a brand name for themselves in the future.

Examples of NFTs: Knitties

This is a great example of an artist who is using their experience and creativity to explore new frontiers in the world of NFTs.

Want to create your own NFTs on Cardano? This guide will help you!

Clay Nation

Clay Nation

If you are a fan of clay art, then you will want to check out Clay Nation. This project is the first of its kind, as it focuses on creating original hand-crafted clay sculptures. 

These art pieces also have the utility of entry to their festivals, showing exactly how Cardano NFTs can provide both art and event experiences.

Clay Nation is a set of 10,000, 1 of 1 characters that have been created using an algorithm and +/- 100 handcrafted clay characteristics. Each unique character is stored on the Cardano blockchain.

Examples of NFTs Clay Nation

This is an artist-led project that is using NFTs to create a new standard for digital art. It is exciting to see how this project will continue to develop and grow over time.

Through community and a metaverse experience, the Clay Nation team can bring their project to life. If successful, they will be one of the first Cardano NFTs to provide a virtual place for their community to engage with each other.

In January 2022, Clay Nation completed a total volume of transactions worth 14.8 million ADA.

Want More Examples of NFTs and Different Art Styles?

These collections may be among the most popular on Cardano, but we’re really just scratching the surface of what is possible with NFTs…

Each and every artist’s background and influence is different, and their art reflects that.

With the use of technology and a creative mind, there is so much more being created than just avatars!

Check out more examples of different art styles to give you a better idea of how and what type of collection you may want to develop here.

You might be surprised at what is being created outside of the mainstream!